Immersed in a chilling enigma that has baffled law enforcement for years, the elusive figure known as the "Butcher" was once a luminary in the realm of science, teetering on the precipice of a monumental medical breakthrough. Yet, just before his triumph, he vanished, leaving only whispers of his existence. Tied to a string of ominous disappearances, the sinister puzzle deepens.
Suddenly, you and your comrades find yourselves in his forgotten laboratory, a haze of confusion shrouding your senses. In this disorienting predicament, the question looms: Can you untangle the threads of this macabre riddle and Escape OK? The echoes of the past await your discovery.
Please Note:
1. Room contains scary and graphic material not suitable for younger crowds. Recommended age 15+.
2. Participants aged 12 - 14, MUST be accompanied by an adult 19 years of age and older.
3. Participants aged 11 and under are NOT ALLOWED in this room. Even with parental consent.